Where does bigrquery store credential-tokens on a Mac?

This blogpost is mainly a reminder for myself where I can delete this information.

But what’s all about?

Recently I installed bigrquery and ran queries against Google’s BigQuery cloud-database before I had installed gcloud (and did the authorization as described at https://docs.getdbt.com/reference/warehouse-setups/bigquery-setup#local-oauth-gcloud-setup).

So R asked me to authorize the session in a browser. So far so good.

But every time I started a new R session I was asked if I want to use the well known account or another one.

So I was wondering where this account information was stored and how I could delete this information.

pkgdown and GDPR - How to host a pkgdown site in Germany

pkgdown is a great tool for generating a website with documentation for an R package.

Unfortunately, pkgdown uses CDNs (content delivery networks) like Cloudflare to embed often used JavaScript libraries into the generated website. Also, fonts are included in such a way. That’s a good idea when these files are cached over websites away.

But in Germany due to GDPR, it’s only allowed to do so after the user has given his consent.

Lists to Data.Frames with imap

When working with data which is a result of json-data converted to a list of lists of lists of lists … (you know what mean ;-)) I often want to convert it a data.frame.

Unfortunately there’s often a list in the source data which is unnamed. Or the list in one row is longer than the one in another row. So converting it straight forward into a data.frame or tibble fails with the error message Tibble columns must have compatible sizes.

So what to do? Just leave lists as values in the cells of the data.frame.