Converting Lists of Lists of Lists to Data.Frames (or Tibbles)

I’m working on an R-package to access the data of a web service. So I have to handle large data I get back from an API call. The result is encoded in JSON-format which itself results in a large list of lists (of lists).

But I want to convert these lists of lists into a data.frame or tibble. Sounds easy …. Here are the caveats I came across.

Anomaly Detection with Prophet

How to detect the unexpected? Is the behaviour of some measured value normal or did something unexpected happen?

To answer these questions we need to detect anomalous behaviour in a time series. In this article I want to show you how we can do this with prophet.

Prophet is a library written by Facebook in python and R for prediction of time series.

So for anomaly detection we train our model according to the known values except the last n. Then we predict the last n values and compare the predictions with the truth. If they differ we call them an anomaly.

Here’s an example with some data of website usage.

How to change datasources in Tableau

At work I’m using Tableau as a tool for visualizing data with the possibility for the user to filter the data he’s looking at. So the user doesn’t need to program. He can use just is mouse which is great for people who don’t know exactly how to work with data. All this typical data mangling is hidden below the glamorous surface.

Unfortunatly for me the creation of these dashboards is done also by mouse clicking. When you’re used to program it’s a little bit annoying to click here and there to do something you could do with five lines of code…

An example is changing the datasources of a Tableau workbook. Let’s say we’ve created a workbook with lots of worksheets which are composed to several dashboards.

Now we want to apply all these calculations and visualizations to another set of datasouces with the same structure but with different content.