Shiny-App to Explore SARS-CoV-2 in Germany

I’ve visualized the Covid-19 data I’ve got from Pavel Mayer in different ways ( see or )

But I always wanted to make it more interactive. So I decided to build a Shiny-App.

So what can you do with this app?

Launch the App

Additional visualization of Covid-19 development in Germany

Last week I’ve visualized the spread of Covid-19 through Germany using a map-plot.

Now I was asking myself if there’s a better way to show that the rising number of infections these day are other than during the local spreadings in June.

So now I want to plot all of the German Landkreise (similar to counties in the U.S.) regarding the number of new infections during the last 7 days per 100,000 residents using a histogram.

Visualization of Corona Incidence in Germany per County

Everyone in Germany is speaking about the 2nd wave of Covid-19. Has it already arrived, is it still coming?

The number of new Covid-19 cases is rising for quite a few weeks According to Johns Hopkins University there were more than 1,000 new cases per day in the last days.

That was also the case when there was only a local hotspot in Gütersloh and Warendorf occurred.

But this time there isn’t one hotspot. The infected people live all over Germany.

So I want to visualize the spreading.